Youth (ages 10 to 19) are invited to participate in our Technology and Life Skills Acquisition Program for Youth (TECHPLUS) this Fall.

10 – 11 am MST : 3 Monthly Joint Sessions on Leadership/Money Mgt/Health with other Students (Sept 21, Oct 19, Nov 16)

11 am – 12 pm MST (some classes may extend till 1pm): Students join any of these programs of their choice:

  • Video Editing  – Documentary and Storytelling: 6  Sessions, Ist & 3rd Saturdays, September 21 – December 7,  CapCut download  and a very good video editing computer required
  • Coding – Python & Scratch: 6  Sessions, Ist & 3rd Saturdays, September 21 – December 7  
  • Robotics with VEX: 12  Sessions, Weekly Saturdays, September 21 – December 7. VEXGO  and/or VEXIQ, and/or Arduino are required.

This intensive course will teach students coding, robotics, video editing, and life-skill topics such as leadership, financial literacy, and health.

Join us from the comfort of your home between between September 21 and December 7th, from 10 am to 12 pm MST (Edmonton Alberta Time). 

Detailed program schedules will be shared with parents who register.

Join us – Connect, Learn, Create, Build, Grow


We hosted 70+ Students this Summer

Learn 24/7 - check out our learning Portal

Discover the freedom to learn at your own pace with our dynamic and user-friendly platform.  Our goal is to empower you to embark on a personalized educational journey tailored to your unique needs and schedule.


  • Summer Camp : We hold our Summer camp in July/August for 2-3 weeks,  covering 4 tech sessions in addition to Leadership, Financial Literacy and Health topics
  • Fall, Winter and Spring Cohorts: We hold targeted programs in the fall, winter and spring. Watch our websites for announcements about these programs. This is an opportunity for the students to continue to develop their skills, work on projects, and network.

New students can join MOST of our programs if they can watch videos of previous classes and catch up at


Video Editing with Adobe Premiere

Learn how to edit videos using  the Adobe Premiere. 

In this class, students must have the Adobe Premiere software downloaded before the class. License fee applies for the Adobe Premiere software, students can sign up for the trial version and cancel after the training.

Bottle Drive for STEM Kits

In the 4 years of running this program for FREE, we have seen that access to STEM equipment has been a big barrier for many new immigrants students and those from low income family situation.  Join our bottle drive, and let us bridge this gap and eliminate this barrier to access for many students in our community. Thank you for making a difference.

Whether you are sending us the money made from your reusable bottle exchange, or you want to donate to support us – we are thankful! You can:

  •  “Interac” to, or
  • Use the  Link below, or
  • Use the QR code, or
  • Donate at

Coding + Robotics + Web Development + Video Editing + Leadership + Financial Literacy + Health + FUN


Students ages 10 - 19.


Coding, Robotics, Web Development, Video Editing and more


Leadership, Financial Literacy, Health, Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Inclusion, and more.


2 Weeks in the Summer between July and August.
Specialized Cohorts in the Fall, Winter and Spring.

Detailed Schedule will be shared with the parents that register.

All classes are delivered online via Zoom.



Generous donations are appreciated.
Donations from $20 and above qualifies for receipt for income tax purposes.

Get your students to get in on the fun, creativity, collaborative spirit and mentorship that will make their summer, the rest of the school year and many more years to come exciting and life changing for them. Join us to tailor their curiosity into creativity.

Our students do not only learn tech, but also learn skills for money management, decision making, relationship building, and how to grow in confidence and character.

This program aligns with the Aspire Hub’s broad objective of connecting youth with opportunities for better career and health outcomes as they become successful adults, responsible citizens, and exemplary leaders.

We know that low skills perpetuate poverty and inequality. Skill development can reduce unemployment/under-employment, increase productivity, and improve living standards. We are building a vibrant community of responsible youth while also reducing high-risk behavior and increasing our youth’s circles of support.

TECHPLUS is a unique program designed to create opportunities for Youth to access experiential learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, while also acquiring soft skills in leadership, financial literacy, health, and entrepreneurship. The Program targets Black Youth between the ages of 10 and 19, who are mostly in junior and senior high school; or those transitioning from high school to post-secondary education.

Through the TECHPLUS Program, students will acquire marketable technical skills as they transition to post-secondary studies, while also building soft skills for job retention, team building, and leadership; in addition to access to mentorship and professional network for future career and employment prospects.

The program includes classroom instructions and hours of hands-on practice with Instructors available to support and provide after-class support via Google Workspace and Zoom.

The Tech-Skills part of the program covers hot topics in tech including robotics, coding. web development and video editing. 

The Life-Skills part of the program covers Health and Wellness, Leadership (Leaders-In-Training), Workplace Readiness, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Literacy; which are aimed at helping the students to develop a healthy body and mind, become financially literate, develop a growth mindset, build great self-confidence, develop coping skills, and build leadership skills; all in a fun and interactive way through case studies, role-playing, story-telling, workbooks, assignments, presentations, quizzes, puzzles, games, and other interactive media.

  • The Health and Wellness modules include nutrition, self-care, stress management, exercise, drug awareness, study strategy, bullying management, self-defense, and other practical coping skills.
  • The Leadership development (Leaders-In-Training) modules cover goal setting, decision making, self-responsibility, time management, etc.
  • The Financial Literacy modules highlight topics like money management, budgeting, TFSAs, RRSPs, Credit, Student loans, Savings, etc; and
  • Diversity and Inclusion Conversations.

TECHPlus Testimonials


For students 16+ who want to gain experience through internships and practical job experience